Monday, January 4, 2016

Twitter Users Making Fun Of Both The Media And Protesters In The Oregon Thing

One thing that I've learned during the internet era is that there are some brilliant and funny people all over the place who can display their wit without having to be a trained professional journalist.  Case in point is the Twitter users who responded to the militia men taking over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge building outside of Burns, Oregon.

Hashtags have been flowing such as: #VanillaISIS, #YallQueda, #YeeHawd, #YokelHarem, #WhitSIS, #FailQueada, #SaturdayNightTreason.  

I'm not sure if the Twitter users are making fun of these guys as much as they're making fun of our media's double standard of vilifying and fear mongering Islamist extremists (along with Black Lives Matter & Occupy Wall Street) while handling white Christian abortion clinic bombers/shooters, white school & mall shooters, and now white cattle ranchers with much softer rhetoric.  

Ever since 2001, we've been inundated with all these news stories on what we need to be afraid of when in reality Americans are more likely to die from heart disease (junk food & soda), cancers, cigarettes, car accidents, accidental firearms, bicycle accidents, falling, talking on the cell phone while driving, excessive alcohol, medical mistakes, etc.  

Yet, cigarettes, alcohol, junk food, cars, bicycles, guns, cell phones, and hiking trails over rocky cliffs are still completely legal.  The doesn't spend trillions of dollars in a decade shutting down these industries like we've thrown away in the Middle East nor does the media provide non-stop coverage of imminent danger posed by smoking a pack of cigarettes each day while getting all three of your meals from McDonald's.  No, this stuff gets swept under the carpet even though the products, like tobacco, could lead to one's early, painful demise with cancers or other diseases stemming from prolonged use of a product that has been proven to kill.   

But that wouldn't be sensational and it wouldn't evoke the right emotional response from TV news viewers.  Nor could the media evoke the good/bad, black/white story line.  A slow death is boring.  Explosions and car crashes, like the intro to every episode of CHIPs, is what the viewers want to watch and that's what the news gives them.  

And since I mentioned my former childhood favorite TV show CHIPs, I thought I should give you what I know you definitely want to see and to keep the advertising dollars flowing to my blog.  Oh, that's right, I have no advertisers.  But still, I know you want to see a car crash that could never ever possibly happen on Southern California freeways.  But still, CHIPs kept stunt men employed and kept the Detroit factories humming by wrecking all those cars.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Dr. T said...

I really enjoyed your article. The media is really, really good at distracting the mass majority of the American society with "in-your- face", "happening now", fear and negativity. TV News is the epitome of this. The sensationalized incidents reported on by the mainstream media should rarely effect the lives of the viewers....Other than disturbing their psyche and their world view. The dumbshits and everyday malicious assholes are such a tiny minority, yet their idiotic actions get all the attention.

Wouldn't it be nice to turn on the news and know that 90% of the reporting covers global challenges our planet and societies are facing; And what amazing people are doing to try and make life better for the planet and every thing living on it. The last 10% of the news could be dedicated to those assholes and morons who are fucking up their lives and the lives of those around them. This segment would offer people a good forewarning would be humorous. These selfish and stupid people should be made an example of and laughed.

So, why won't mainstream news networks provide real news that helps people live a healthier and happier life, and develop their world view organically?

Because, the mainstream news media doesn't work for the people, it works for (or is threatened by) those people who profit from keeping people uninformed, misinformed, and by mentally, physically and spiritually poisoning people.